ALBUMS - all prices include p&p
Angela Reith albums
Music To Mend The Heart........£11.50
Sometimes The Sun..................£11.50
Behind Us!.................................£6
Anam Cara albums
Live At St George’s...................£10
Seize the Moment....................£10
PDFs of sheet music for tracks from Music To Mend The Heart and a selection from Sometimes The Sun can be purchased below and will be emailed to you.
Terms & Conditions:
The purchase of each title includes permission to copy for your choir only.
T&Cs will be emailed with each purchase.
From Music To Mend The Heart:
This Night ....................................... £12
Come, Come, Whoever You Are .. £12
Let Yourself Be Silently Drawn ...... £12
Because Of You ............................. £12
A Bethlehem Lament .................... £12
I Am Tired ...................................... £12
Open My Eyes To See ................... £12
Into The Woods ............................. £12
O Lord, Hear My Cry ..................... £12
I Place My Hands In Yours ............. £8
Awaken Me, Lord............................ £8
Dreams and Nightmares ............... £8
Urban Mass: (complete) ................ £25
- includes:
Lord have mercy
Glory to God
Holy Lord & Blessed is He
Christ has died
Blessing and honour
Our Father
Lamb of God
From Sometimes The Sun:
Sometimes .........................................£3
The Silence ........................................£3
The Gate Of Glory ............................£3
You Are The Peace ...........................£3
Calm ..................................................£3
Kyrie Eleison .....................................£2